Developed by Ronald D. Moore, Based on the Series Battlestar Galactica, Created by Glen A. Larson

Aired: SCI-FI, 2005-2009
Having written for the series Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager, Ronald Moore arrived at his remake of Battlestar Galactica determined to bring the "space opera" genre out of its fusty cartoon past. Moore wanted to make "naturalistic science fiction," to "use the genre for what it was initially intended to do," providing commentary "on the human condition from a different point of view," he told Written By heading into his show's final season. Battlestar Galactica, conjured the monotheistic Cylons, at once alien and able to take on the form of humans, who have declared war on the twelve human Colonies, wiping out billions in the process, and leaving all aboard the battlestar Galactica on a desperate quest to find the mystical 13th colony known as Earth. During its four seasons, Battlestar Galactica was one of the most praised series on television, lauded as a timely allegory of post-9/11 fears and geopolitics.
Michael Angeli
David Eick
Jane Espenson
Seamus Kevin Fahey
Toni Graphia
Glen A. Larson
Ronald D. Moore
Ryan Mottesheard
Dawn Prestwich
Carla Robinson
Michael Rymer
Anne Cofell Saunders
Michael Taylor
Bradley Thompson
Joel Anderson Thompson
Mark Verheiden
Jeff Vlaming
David Weddle
Nicole Yorkin