Member Organizing
The Member Organizing Department engages and empowers members in support of the Guild’s strategic objectives including contract enforcement, collective bargaining, organizing and public policy. We also promote the professional status of writers through educational initiatives including the programs listed below.
New Member Orientation and Panel Discussion
New Guild members are invited to attend a New Member Orientation held periodically during the year. At the orientation, panelists share stories and offer advice to help new members build a successful professional career. The presentation includes valuable information about benefits our union has fought hard to secure including minimums, credit protections, residuals, new media jurisdiction, and pension and health.
New Member Mentor Program
New Guild members are eligible to participate in the WGAW New Member Mentor Program which places new members on a team with an experienced, well regarded Guild mentor for their first year in the Guild. For more information, contact Scott Pulvirent.
If you are interested in getting more involved in the Guild you can volunteer to be a captain. A captain acts as a liaison between a team of members and the Guild. Captains communicate with their teams about guild priorities, address guild-related questions and concerns and mobilize members in support of the Guild’s strategic objectives. Captains have a unique opportunity to discuss the issues with other captains, elected leadership and executive staff and actively participate in the Guild’s democratic process. Member Organizing provides staff support, education and training to help captains assume an active leadership role.
If you are in a TV writers’ room you can volunteer to be the show captain and represent your staff. If you are a screenwriter or a writer not currently on staff we can help you form a team. For more information, email Captains.
If you are a captain, here are some resources to get you started.
Show Visit Program
Member Organizing staff regularly visits TV writers’ rooms to update members and address Guild-related questions and concerns. During these visits, we discuss significant and timely issues related to contract enforcement, collective bargaining, the state of the entertainment industry, and business trends that impact writers. If you would like to request a show visit, email Member Organizing.
Staff Writer Bootcamp
An annual one-day crash course for first-time staff writers about working in a writers’ room, episode prep, producing on set, and post-production. For more information, contact Scott Pulvirent.
Animation Organizing
The WGAW has successfully organized writers working in network, basic cable, digital and feature animation. The upcoming series The Prince on HBO Max, Q-Force on Netflix and Apple’s Central Park to name a few are all covered under a WGA agreement. To discuss getting the best WGA deal possible for your animated project contact Member Organizing.
Screenwriter Bootcamp
The WGAW Screenwriter Bootcamp is a day of interactive panel discussion geared towards early-career screenwriters. The last Screenwriter Bootcamp was on March 22, 2024. Contact Member Organizing if you would like more information.
Late Pay and Free Work
The WGAW is organizing to tackle some of the abuses screenwriters face. For instance, not all screenwriters are aware that when a payment is late, interest may be due. Through education and outreach, screenwriters are encouraged to report late pay to the Guild so we can work together to enforce your contract. Screenwriters are also brainstorming solutions for how to best address free work and producer’s passes. If your career has been negatively impacted by demands for free work and you would like to participate in these discussions, email No Free Work.
No Writing Left Behind
What should you do if you are asked to leave written material with a producer after a pitch? Don’t do it.
WGAW Start Button
Inform the Guild when you begin working on a step and when the draft is scheduled to be submitted. Receive reminders of when payment for your writing should be due. Gives you the opportunity to request assistance and advice if paid late or asked for free work. Bookmark the Start Button.
Creative Rights
Know your theatrical and long-form TV creative rights during the pre-production, principal photography, and post-production of your script.
Main Line: (323) 782-4567
Email: Member Organizing
Director: T. Gray Albert
Screen Enforcement Specialist/Organizer: Cathy Genovese
Representative/Organizers: Charon Gaskins. Leila Luperchio, Fátima Murrieta, Rahul Neuman
Assistant Administrator: Scott Pulvirent