Contract terms are only as strong as our ability to enforce them. The Guild remains vigilant in our commitment to defending what generations of writers have fought for. If you’re having a problem with a Guild signatory company—whether you’ve been paid late, or not at all—we want to hear about it!

Please use the links below to tell us about the issue you’re experiencing so we can investigate the problem.


Late Pay

The MBA requires that studios pay writers within seven days, whether that’s commencement of writing, delivery of a writing step, or your weekly services. After seven days, late payments accrue interest at the rate of 18% per year. If you are paid late, you are likely owed interest under the MBA, which the Guild will pursue on your behalf. Contact the Late Pay Desk for more information or to file a claim.

Free Work: Television

Contact Business Representative Chris Milliken in the Contracts Department if you are dealing with a free work issue in television, which may include producer passes, extra-contractual or uncompensated writing. We can also help if a Guild signatory company wants to hire you to write but is calling the work non-writing development or producer work and is failing to pay Guild benefits.  If you’d like to know more about how to protect yourself against free work in television, know your rights under the MBA.

Free Work: Feature Writing

Contact Enforcement Specialist Cathy Genovese if you are dealing with a free work issue in screen, or would like to learn more about the Guild’s efforts in this area. If you’d like to know more about how to protect yourself against free rewrites, know your rights under the MBA.

Overdue Residuals

If your residuals are overdue, the Residuals Department will not only investigate any usage you report that may be overdue, but all exhibition markets for your project. Please see the Residuals Survival Guide for more on your rights under the MBA.

Credits Violations

If you believe you should be a participating writer on a project and have not received a Notice of Tentative Writing Credits, or if you see an incorrect writing credit on-screen or in advertising, call the Credits Department at (323) 782-4528, or email Credits so that the Guild can investigate whether a credit violation has occurred.

Other Violations

Contact an expert in the Contracts Department if you have a problem or question concerning:

  • Bonuses
  • Initial compensation
  • Merchandising
  • Publishing
  • Separated rights
  • Program fees
  • Theatrical reacquisition
  • Videogames based on covered movies or TV shows
  • Terms and conditions of your employment
  • Sale of literary material to a signatory company
  • Character payments
  • Any other any concerns about contracts


Make sure we have your services agreement. Working Rule 3 requires members to send the Guild a copy of their contracts. Your writing contracts are an essential part of the Guild's enforcement efforts. If the Guild does not have a copy of your contract, please submit your contract now.