Created by Danny Arnold & Theodore J. Flicker

Aired: ABC, 1975-1982
The air of world-weary sadness that hung over the denizens of the 12th Precinct made Barney Miller feel different from other sitcoms, quieter in personality and more offbeat cops in action via inaction, dragging themselves around the squad room like drones in an office otherwise made colorful by the perps coming in off the street. "It was a radio drama," Franken Dungan, one of the show's writers, told The New York Times recently when the DVD collection of the series was released. ''Wojo curling that paper into the typewriter was what police related to the lack of action.'' Co-creator Theodore J. Flicker was nominated for a Writers Guild Award in 1968 for his original screenplay The President's Analyst. The show's other co-creator was its larger-than-life showrunner Danny Arnold, whose writer-producer credits included That Girl, Bewitched and the Emmy-winning My World and Welcome To It.
Sybil Adelman
Howard Albrecht
Danny Arnold
Richard Baer
Herbert Baker
Larry Balmagia
Richard Beban
Seymour Blicker
James Bonnet
John Bradford
Jaie Brashar
Mark Brull
Bob Colleary
Wally Dalton
Jerry Davis
Frank Dungan
Theodore J. Flicker
Richard Freiman
Ron Friedman
Lila Garrett
Carol Gary
Greg Giangregorio
Steve Gordon
Lee H. Grant
Chris Hayward
Paul Hunter
Calvin Kelly
Roland Kibbee
Dennis Koenig
Sanford Krinski
Philip Jayson Lasker
Howard Leeds
Nat Mauldin
Jordan Moffet
Dick Morgan
Winston Moss
Stephen Neigher
Judith Nielsen
Ron Pearlman
Tom Reeder
Rich Reinhart
Jerry Ross
Michael Russnow
Tony Sheehan
Sam Simon
Jeff Stein
Arne Sultan
Bill Taub
Gregory Tiefer
Jim Tisdale
Reinhold Weege
Sol Weinstein
Dick Wesson
Douglas Wyman
Shelley Zellman