101 Greatest Screenplays of the 21st Century (*so far)
71Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Screenplay by Phil Lord and Rodney Rothman, Story by Phil Lord, Based on the Marvel Comics
Superheroes take many forms, and endure many reboots, but this was one of the most inventive, as Spider-Man comes back into animated life—in parallel universes—with young Miles Morales at the helm. It didn’t come easily. As co-writer Phil Lord shared on a Twitter thread, accompanying photos of whiteboards, “We did a big shakeup of the story less than a year from release and we had to figure out how to reshape sequences we had already boarded and animated and fold them in with new stuff. Oh and we rebroke the whole third act. These dumb whiteboards became our bible. It’s less of an outline and more of a triage docket of what we were going to do to each sequence. It made sense basically to no one but us.”